Friday, October 12, 2012


Once upon a time, in a remote country... Well, in fact no. All I’m going to talk about is the truth and only the truth. Everything happened a pair of years ago, at Euro Disney Theme Park, Paris. If you have good memory, you will remember I skipped some classes to go on a musical interchange. It was then.

So, without further ado, I will explain it. Euro Disney has some spectacular attractions in which you can enter as much as you want when you have paid for it. We had been riding on a roller coaster for all the morning. But it has some extraordinary  qualities to comment: it is indoors and, when you are sat, you start to hear some kind of hard rock music they play with loudspeakers situated at the back of your seat. It can be absolutely exhilarating when you become a part of the shadows.

Somehow, a friend of mine and me had the chance of sitting in the last row. We were terribly excited. But, near the end, something went wrong. It wasn’t a kind of intuition, but a fact: lights turned off, music disappeared and the wagon stopped. We were starting to feel quite nervous when we heard the shouts of people behind us, the intense noise of movement, the sound of the wheels... When we realized that we were at the back of the backs, we felt panic. We started to go as white as a glass of milk. We were completely petrified...

... and, obviously, anything terrible happened, because if our worst nightmares had become into reality, I wouldn’t be now writing this composition. Nonetheless, I will continue explaining...

... we were panicking when we heard some kind of horrible laugh coming from the loudspeakers. Then, the wagon started to move, and we got the platform safe and sound, although we were so terrified that we couldn’t stop shivering and we were asking ourselves what kind of macabre joke it was.

Actually it became a really frightening experience, but also an utterly thrilling one. Once we had calmed down, we repeated it.


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