Wednesday, October 10, 2012


My first day at school (P-3) 

I’m going to explain my first day at school, when I still was 2 years old and I started the nursery school (P-3) at “Jesús, Maria i Josep”. I don’t really remember it but I know how it was because of the things that my mother told to me.

That day I was terrified because I didn’t know what school was. I was crying heartbroken in the entrance of the building. One of the boys that were by me, was also sad and he caught my hand, so we walked inside saying good-bye and crying to our mothers, that were devastated but also delighted about us. My mother burst into tears because of the emotion. 

This boy that took my hand, is Sergi López one of my best friends, not to mention him the best. In class, all of the pupils were scared stiff and it was like a big shower of tears. I stood next door Sergi and I was seeing the other kids that were alone because they didn’t know anyone there. I was in “the class of the ants” with the teacher Anna Devert. I absolutely believe that I can remember all of the names of the children that were in that class.

I have good memories of that class and those classmates. When I have a bad day at school I remember those days, that were easy and wonderful.

1r batx A

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