Monday, October 22, 2012

WRITING DIALOGUES. Clara M. (2n batx B)

Guns, safe or unsafe?

Presenter: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It’s Open Your Mouth’s time, the program that makes you think about the society that involves you. Tonight we’re going to talk about a really controversial topic. Do you think everybody should be allowed to carry guns if they want to? For that reason, we have two really interesting people who will tell us their opinion: Samantha Barks, a criminal law specialist, and Alfie Boe, sergeant in a police station. Samantha and Alfie, could you tell us your opinion?

Alfie Boe: Good evening everyone. The topic about guns has been discussed so many times. I do carry a gun as a policeman I am and I think I would like to carry it while I’m not working. Policemen are not allowed to wear guns while they’re not in service and that’s the moment when I feel unprotected. I’m sure policemen do a very good job, but for that reason I also know all the dangers there are in our streets.

Samantha Barks: Exactly, you said it. Good evening everyone. There are a lot of dangers in our streets, but, don’t you think these dangers would multiply if everyone was allowed to carry a gun? I think lots of people don’t have the right sense to use a gun or to decide if it’s critical and important using it. I work every day with cases of murders and robberies and I’m sure that more of those would be done if guns were free to use.

P: And do you think people would feel safer or less safe if everybody could carry a gun?

SB: Definitely less safe. I wouldn’t go outside my home if I knew everyone around me could carry a gun. What would happen if somebody thinks I’m going to hurt him? He may take out his gun and shoot at me. And what about arguments? There are people who turn very violent when they argue, and if they were carrying a gun they would be a danger for everybody and for themselves.

AB: I think that wouldn’t happen. People have some right sense. Also, to wear a gun, they would have to have a special permission, they would have to have passed a exam. If you’re going home late in a dangerous neighborhood and someone tries to attack you and hurt you, sure you’d like to have a gun to hurt him in the leg or in the arm, so he can’t harm you.

SB: But violence is not the solution to violence. There should be policemen controlling the dangerous neighbor, or those criminals should have been better educated, or maybe they need money (for which we could work on social helps, or give them opportunities to carry their lives peacefully and independently).

P: As we have seen, we would never get what’s the right answer to this discussion. For that reason we ask our public their opinion. Do you think everybody should be allowed to carry guns if they want to? Send us what you think to our email or send us a text message with the letters OYM and your opinion to the number 5577. On our next show we will read the most interesting opinions. Thanks to Alfie and Samantha for their great input. We hope to see you soon here! Now it’s time to read last’s show opinions…


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