Wednesday, October 9, 2013



First of all, I’d like to say that I have chosen this photo because it was from a TV Show called “Friends” and I really love that show and it’s my favorite one.  Now I’m going to introduce them and talk about their features and character.

The man we can see on the left is Ross, he’s a tall, thin, black-haired-man, and he’s very elegant and likes to study all that happened with the dinosaurs. He’s been a lot of times in love with the blonde-haired-women that we can also see on the left, who is Rachel. 

She is so thin and she has a beautiful blue eyes. She has had one problem with her face, and that problem is her nose because when she was young she had it so big. She worked in Ralph Lauren, but then she moved to Paris to have a very good job to earn a lot of money. She loves all about fashionable clothes. 

Next to her we can see the shortest girl of them all, she is Monica, who has a black or brown hair depending on the day. She is so addicted to cleaning and she wants everything in it place. He works as a cook and she does it very good and her food is so tasty. 

The man between the two girls is Chandler, he is Monica´s husband. He is a man who at first sight and the first time you meet him he makes you hate him because he always wants to make jokes that don’t make you laugh, and a part from that, he is always talking about something you don’t care about and what you just want to do is to shoot yourself to stop hearing him. But that it’s only the first days you know him, but he’s a very good person and friend and he’s going to be there when you need it. 

The last girl we can see on the right is a blonde-haired-girl, who is Phoebe and is very thin and nice as her twin is. She is the rarest of the girls because she believes in things that are part of her imagination. He works as a massage therapist. She is one of those persons that if she loves you she will always care about you and help you, but if she detests you you’ll have a big problem. 

Finally we see Joey, and as we said with Phoebe he is also so rare. He is very childish and he sometimes has a mentality of a kid. He isn’t responsible, he is dirty and he is very piggy. But girls like him because he is so attractive. He works as an actor on TV and on the theatre. But a part of all these bad things we have said he is still being a very good guy.

My conclusion is that these persons are an example of a good friendship and they will always have each other.

3r ESO A

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