Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Extreme questions

- With which Simpsons character are you identificate?
If I were a character from the Simpsons I would probably identify more with Otto Mann. He's the bus driver of the Simpsons. He seems a sympathetic man who loves music and does every day his job, but he's also rather vague and confused. We also seem to have curly hair.

- How would you be if you were a girl?
If I were a girl, I probably would be an ordinary girl. I wouldn't be neither more beautiful nor the most popular, but I'd have some very good friends and very good grades. I guess  I'd be high and I'm sure I'd smooth my hair and I'd dye it like a similar color to dark brown.

- How would you like to die?
Obviously, I would prefer to die in a classical way: without pain, fast ... But if I had to choose otherwise, it'd probably be a more egocentric way, '' I would like '' that everyone would be looking at me and out in all the TVs in the world and send a message to the world before going to the other side. I'd also ''like to die'' when I hear reggaeton, but that's another story.

- In which painting would you like to appear? What would you do?
Personally I'd love to appear in the painting Liberty leading the people which is a paint by Eugène Delacroix commemorating the July Revolution of 1830. To me, personally, I love the historical event of the French Revolution, as it is the first time in the history in this scale that happened a revolution against a king and with a good ideals: equality, liberty and fraternity!

Marc de Haro

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